Several malware families using Pay-Per-Install service to expand their targets

Malware families using Pay-Per-Install service to expand targets

The PrivateLoader is a Pay-Per-Install malware (PPI) that delivers a wide variety of malware. Including Vidar, Raccoon, Redline, Smokeloader, Danabot, GCleaner, Discoloader, and others, according to Intel 471.

The dangerous PPI malware service isn’t new. Yet authorities haven’t managed to pinpoint who exactly is behind its development. Malicious hackers/threat actors use loaders to send extra payloads to targeted machines.

Cybercriminals use PrivateLoader on an installation basis. The payment for the payload is based on the number of victims that were infected with malware.

The Malware is Shared Through Cracked Software Updates

The PrivateLoader uses C2 (a set of command-and-control servers). And an administrator panel that carries AdminLTE3. It is among the most trendy malware loaders on the web. And the loader is installed and deployed by hackers more than ever.

Cracked software websites distribute malware. These illegal forms of updates are tampered with to avoid licensing or payment. Though the thought of getting software or licensing for free is appealing to many, they should abstain from it.

The cybersecurity firm Intel 471 discovered various malicious executable exe. files. Once installed on a users’ PC, various malware such as PrivateLoader, GCleaner, or Redline load reseller.

The most popular distributed malware appears to be Smokeloader, as of May 2021. This malware can perform various surveillance and data theft actions. The Vidar malware can steal digital wallet information, passwords, and documents. The Redline malware steals credentials.

PPI Services Are Useful to Hackers

Threat actors love software that gives them the ability to launch attacks with greater versatility. PPI services, as observed, are widely used by hackers due to their usefulness. Researchers state that cybercriminals will explore all the attacking options available to them.

The versatility of each malware must be carefully analyzed and countered. Malware defenders work on various strategies to stop malware attacks employed by PrivateLoader. To learn more about the service, researchers started tracking and automating malware coverage actions in September 2021.

The data already gathered is used to come up with better cybersecurity. Researchers have already discovered another malware delivered by the PrivateLoader, the Qbot banking Trojan.

How to Surf The Internet Safely

With the number of cyberattacks constantly rising in recent years, it’s important to use all the cybersecurity tools available to stay safe. With no preparation beforehand, just one wrong click can make your private information available to ill-intended strangers.

Here is what you can do to maximize your privacy online and stay safe at the same time!

Use a VPN

Virtual Private Network or VPN is among the most popular forms of anonymity tool employed by internet users. A VPN service essentially hides your real network with a fake one, making you private on the web.

It encrypts your network traffic and allows you to avoid typical online threats, cookie harassment, or trackers. You can switch your geo-location with a VPN, especially for companies.

Since hackers love to target small and medium companies, changing your geo-location, will prevent them from finding your real IP address. Regular users can also benefit from this as they can access geo-restricted content.

More than this, if you are traveling, public WiFis are unsafe. With a VPN, you can establish a secured online connection from anywhere without worrying that your personal information gets stolen.

Don’t Pirate Online

Hackers love to insert malware into pirated software. Though it’s tempting to get stuff for free on the web, you should be aware that there is almost always a risk of getting your PC infected by doing so. Also, avoid clicking on suspicious links.

Use an Antivirus & Keep Everything Updated

You should buy a professional and reliable antivirus software for your PC to stay safe online. Antiviruses are always updated based on the new threats discovered online. By using an antivirus, you can increase your cybersecurity hundreds of times. Make sure to keep it updated, though, as well as any other software on your PC.

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